Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Adding Your Two Cents" Lessons In Debt, Credit And Home Ownership

You have probably heard this old saying before, if not, ‘adding your two cents’ is simply giving your opinion, your views, your ideas, or sharing your experience. And that is what Spectrum Resources is looking for from you – for your to add your two cents to our blogs ! We will post on all four blogs the best submitted money saving tip, PLUS the winner will receive two hours of free counseling in issues of debt, credit or home ownership – PLUS a hand autographed book titled “Hey! Where’s My Money” authored by Janet Shore

The media gurus paint a beautiful rosy picture showing the world is healing, and it may on the top side. But on Main Street, the picture appears differently. It is a time of self evaluation, to re-think our sense of direction and perhaps re-prioritize our objectives.

E ach of us as individuals have something of value to contribute to our fellow man. Economically we have come to realize just how closely we are connected to each other. Everyone’s job depends upon someone else having a job, drawing a paycheck, and who can pass the money on to others. The economy depends upon that connection for money to keep moving.

Spectrum Resource’s mission is to provide education and resources on how to live INSIDE your income. To help us help others, we need your two cents. You are the one who lives on Main Street USA, the gurus on Wall Street live not only on a different street, I believe at times they must live on a different planet.

Survival entails understanding that only by sharing can we ALL grow. You are facing financial challenges everyday, and you have developed some tricks of the survival trade to maintain your head above water, we ask that you share with our readers your best money saving experience. It’s easy, on each of our four blogs shown below there is a ‘comment box’ to use. Don’t duplicate your money saving idea, each idea must be different. Please submit what has worked best for you to cut cost, overhead expenses, or to survive easier on less money and less stress. Please use it to help us help others.

The best judged money saving tip will be posted in all four blogs and you will have as an addition prize two hours of free consultation. Along with a personally autographed book titled “Hey ! Where’s My Money ?”by Janet Shore.

Call Spectrum Resources (863)967-0660 or email:
Visit our blogs, each one with different lessons with debt, credit and home ownership tips: and and and our newest
Your tax exempt donation is always appreciated to help with our educational fund, mail to:
S.R.D.C. 2014 Brentwood Dr. Auburndale, FL 33823

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