Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"He Who Hesitates Loses"

You may or may not have heard this saying "He Who Hesitates Loses", but as a credit risk assessment planner counseling individuals in debt, credit and home ownership issues I see it as an important warning. Your ability to think and consider your options and take action quickly can be the determining factor in the amount of your savings.

Here are some money saving tips:You now see empty store fronts while driving down Main Street due to companies that have filed bankruptcy or simply liquidated their assets and left for parts unknown.
1. Use your store gift cards fast while they are still worth something.
2. If the store holds a 'liquidation sale' skip the first few weeks of the sale. Wait until week four.

"He Who Hesitates Loses" warning also applies to identity theft.
1. You will be happy you took this warning if your wallet/purse is ever stolen. Make copies of all contents in your wallet front and back and record credit card phone numbers to report a loss. But if you have not, then look on the last statement and contact the credit card company as soon as possible. With identity theft, the sooner the better applies.
2. You should also report immediately to all three credit bureaus your cards have been stolen. this could be a savings of thousands of dollars.
3. You will also have to have a police report filed, again, timing in this particular process is important from your creditor's point of view.

"He Who Hesitates Loses" can apply to so many aspects of your daily living from the stock market to business opportunities. But our mission is to encourage you to think, learn your options and take action quickly because some savings just will not wait. There are expiration dates that you must heed to save. Most people would think that any investment that brought you a return of 20% was good, but in your local grocery are you taking advantage of the 10-20% savings offered through coupons ?

Coupon usage has become more popular as an effort to survive this depression. Coupons can easily save you 20% on your grocery bill. Groceries are not the only place to save with coupons. Your pharmacy, hardware store, home stores and online retailers are offering big savings such as and and Come back and look for my lesson on "HOW TO Make Money Without A Second Job".

Spectrum Resource’s mission is to teach you how you can live inside your income. Please add our link to your favorites and come back often to : and visit our sister blogs, each with different articles offering resources and options: and or email us at or call (863) 967-0660

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