Sunday, July 5, 2009

"4th Of July And (Financial) Freedom"

You have just celebrated another year of freedom in the United States of America with fireworks, cold drinks and a hot dog or two. Filled with patriotism the cry was heard from coast to coast "Let Freedom Ring !" America has come a long way, as seen upon reflecting back. Also seen are many different cycles in our history . There are great debates going on regarding just how fiscally free the United States is at this point in time compared to our past. The cycles of spending, debt and rebuilding is not new in America. This article is not about America's debt, but your debt, and your personal freedom.

You also have a cycle in life going on. You started as a young person learning what money could do for you. If lucky, someone taught you how to make appropriate decisions in handling money. Sadly not many have been so lucky and they are in bondage, slaves to debt. Just as our forefathers took drastic measures to free themselves from the bondage of England, now is the time for each individual American to take drastic measures to become free. Slavery exist in every home in America where there is debt. You are not free to live by your choices when you are committed to a contractual agreement to pay for privileges and use of the many things that fills your environment.

You can break the chains that bind you to debt by taking a serious look at yourself, your priorities, and your personal values. You determine your self worth. If your self worth is about the amount of holdings that is tied to your ankle with a chain locked by a contract then perhaps you should re-evaluate your values. What do YOU really have, nothing ! The man holding the contract and who receives money from you has something, but you don't. Do a personal audit, for a reality check to which of your debts are based upon 'NEEDS' and which are based upon 'WANTS' .

Make the next 4th of July your celebration of personal financial freedom ! One that supports the real meaning our of nation's founders, for The People to be free. Our nation as a whole will take generations before it can celebrate fiscal freedom. However, you and your family can start today by making better decisions, structure a plan, putting more value on people than things. You can choose NOT to be a slave to a master that holds you down with a little 2"X3" plastic card. You can be financially free by seeking financial education and making better daily decisions because of your empowerment.

Our mission is to teach those who seek financial self sufficiency. We counsel to those with debt, credit and money issues. If you feel we can help please come back to: or visit our sister blogs: , . Email us at or call (863) 967-0660.

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