Sunday, August 2, 2009

"Special Served Today - A Buffet Of Savings"

Are you hungry for new saving tips ? What I have to serve is a buffet filled with a variety of tasty savings that provide food for thought. Wow ! That was a mouth full in itself. Saving money could include practically every product and/or service known. So I can only serve you appetizers covering a few topics at a time, leaving you hopefully with a taste on your pallet to learn more and return.

There are absolutely amazing ways to save money, and you can save money on everything, you must observe and ask !

If your air conditioning is eating up your energy bill and your budget, ask for a FREE energy audit from your local utilities company. Some even offer FREE energy saving gifts or coupons for greater savings when they come out to the house.

IF you own a business in the states of NY, NJ, DE, MD, CT, NH, ME, IL, DC, RI, MA, MI, and now PA then you will like the 10-35% savings from WHOLESALE INDEX RATES never before offered to small or mid size businesses. IF you are in Texas, then you will really like the 50% savings experienced by residential and commercial electric customers. Check out: to learn more.

To save on your water bill, ask your utility company for a FREE water restricter for your shower. It saves thousands of gallons of water a year and saves you money.

Don’t throw away the subscription invitations. Most publications will send out a FREE issue of your favorite magazine then send you a bill. When it arrives, write “CANCEL’ on it, make a copy for your file and mail it back.

Watch manufacturers of food products for FREE cookbooks, utensils, etc. Many other manufacturers of products you enjoy or would like to learn more about offer free booklets as well.

Cell phone companies are always running specials. You sign up and the following week or month they run an even better deal and you feel stuck with the ‘old deal’. Contact them and ask the better plan especially if you are a person who consistently runs over your current allotment of minutes.

They say, “If the disease doesn’t kill you the hospital bill will !” . ALWAYS ask for a itemized bill because hospital bills are error-ridden with at least 30% of your bill with incorrect information. IF your insurance will not pay, dispute it, because the items they are refusing could be items that should not have been on the bill to start with.

Please contact your personal credit risk assessment planner SPECTRUM RESOURCES to learn more ways to live inside your income. Call 863-967-0660 or email: and visit all our blogs to learn more: and and come back to:

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