Sunday, July 12, 2009

"Are You A Good Spender ?"

You are probably chuckling about that question: “Are You A Good Spender?”. The entire globe knows Americans are good spenders, however, the lesson today is more self evaluation. Enclosed are 20 questions with a score to help you determine just how good you are.
Spectrum Resource’s mission is to provide you with education, resources and options to achieve your financial goals. Use this audit of your spending life-style to see where your strengths are and where your weaknesses are. Use a sheet of paper and answer with the following 5 responses:

1) totally like me
2) A lot like me
3) Equally like and unlike me
4) A little like me
5) Not like me at all

____ 1) I put a small amount of cash aside as savings each time I receive any money.
____ 2) I usually deposit into a savings or special checking account each time I receive any money .
____ 3) I keep track of the money I receive from all sources.
____ 4) I set aside a predetermined amount of my cash for regular weekly expenses.
____ 5) I set aside at least five percent of the money I receive for my emergency fund.
____ 6) My money is managed according to a written spending-plan.
____ 7) My food, grocery and household spending is planned in advance and done with a list.
____ 8) I rarely make less than two trips-a-week to a grocery or convenience store.
____ 9) Grocery, household coupons and manufacturer rebates are used whenever possible.
____10) For practically every purchase I make I do comparison shopping for price, value, and quality.
____11) I do not have credit cards with a balance due.
____12) I do not have any loans with a balance owed.
____13) I normally compare prices and value for both food and clothing.
____14) I do not dine/eat out more than once a-week.
____15) I have received my earnings statement from the Social Security Administration.
____16) I account for all my cash spending by collecting receipts and noting what is bought.
____17) I balance my checking/share draft accounts with each statement received.
____18) I have looked into joining or I am a member of a credit union.
____19) I am saving money toward a education or a special big goal.
____20) I have given money or food to a less fortunate individual within the last month.

Total up your points for all 20 questions
17-27 points - Terrific! - Teach others.
28-42 points - Pretty good - Stay Up-to-date
43-58 points - Average - A class will be helpful
59-74 points - Lousy – Make needed changes
75+ points - It Stinks! –

Call today !
Spectrum Resources offers education, resources and options that can help you. ( 863) 967-0660 Learn how you can deal efficiently and effectively with creditors. How you can structure a plan to get out of debt. Come back to our blogs to learn how you can take control of your financial life ! Our email:

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If you want to swap links to promote self sufficiency through online networking contact us.

Spectrum Resources is not funded and accepts all tax exempt donations. If you are learning from our Personal Money Management Lessons posted for your benefit, with every $10.00 donation we will mail you a “Hey! Where’s My Money” book authored by Janet Shore a certified credit counselor . A little book with a big message ! Excellent as a gift for a young couple starting out, a college student, or anyone who is starting over and wants to learn how to take control of their financial lives. It’s insightful and motivating. Use our online check processor: or mail a money order to: SRDC 2014 Brentwood Drive Auburndale, FL. 33823

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