Tuesday, October 13, 2009

“That Nagging Question Returns” Lessons In Debt, Credit And Home Ownership

You may have noticed how many commercials online advertising free credit reports, and how to get out of debt. They all make it sound real easy, and I assure you it is, if you have someone else make all the decisions for you while they are managing your money. But you have come to the conclusion that isn’t going to happen, so that nagging question returns….Why can’t I repair my own credit ? Please read on for the answer to that question and more.

Yes ! The answer is yes you can repair your own credit ! You can also go into any court room in America and defend yourself. And if brave enough you can pull your own teeth. So do not let anyone tell you that you cannot repair your own credit. Credit is an entire industry by itself. It is constantly changing rules, procedures and ownership of banks that are extending the credit. It takes a professional to attempt to stay current on the trends, and even the laws. But still, you can repair your own credit if you so desire.

There are many books available, and online HOW TO’s that can provide information. Or you can contact someone who provides this services and has seen results of the different methods promoted to the general public. One of our many trusted sources is found at http://CreditJusticeServices.com/?ccc=1242 for options. As a company that is fourth in the nation, Credit Justice Services is a strong consumer advocate working diligently to bring a sense of responsibility to the three credit bureaus.

They offer a 75 Day Credit Makeover program that charges only $50.00 per disputed trade line, with no monthly fees, no per letter fees, no per bureau fees. You will have the assistance of a paralegal and certified credit counselor in designing your dispute letters based upon the computerized successes in the past. You will receive a FREE analysis letting you know what they see as information posted by your creditors and the bureaus that is bringing down your score. And they tell you what the percentage of anticipated success in removing the disputed items will be, before you enter into the program !

You will be mailing into the bureaus three different letters over the period of 75 days to dispute a creditor who has placed inaccurate information in your report. IF the bureaus still do not remove the disputed item after the 75 day process, then you will be assisted with a complaint letter mailed directly to the Federal Trade Commission. Like Spectrum Resources, Credit Justice Services wants you to be successful and have the highest score you can possibly have, don’t let that nagging question bother you, call today.

Call Spectrum Resources (863)-967-0660
Email Us with your questions & comments: SpectrumResources@tampabay.rr.com

Visit often our blogs to learn more of the options you have in debt, credit and home ownership.
http://SpectrumResources.wordpress.com http://MoneySavingTips.PolkVoice.com
http://FinancialEducationAndOptions.blogspot.com and our latest or newest blog is:

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